The XX Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy

July 03-07, 2023, lake Baikal, Irkutsk, Russia

Participant Organizations

Organization: V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia

List of reports:

  1. Tashkun S.A., Mikhailenko S.N., Barbe A., Starikova E.N., Tyuterev V.G.
    RITZ energy levels of 16O3 deduced from experimental spectra:  critical analysis of HITRAN and S&MPO transition frequencies  
  2. Lavrentieva N.N., Nevzorova T.A., Dudaryonok A.S., Lavrentiev N.A.
    Calculation of СO2 -broadening and -shift coefficients of SO2 lines in the ν13 band
  3. Lavrentieva N.N., Dudaryonok A.S.
    Air pressure induced nitrogen-dioxide line shift coefficients
  4. Lavrentieva N.N., Dudaryonok A.S., Buldyreva J.
    N2-, O2-, air-broadening coefficients and their temperature dependence of CH3I rovibrational lines for the ν6 band
  5. Sinitsa L.N., Serdyukov V.I., Emelyanov N.M., Perevalov V.I.
    Study of the nitrous oxide isotopologues in the 4200-6500 cm-1 region
  6. Sinitsa L.N., Serdyukov V.I., Emelyanov N.M., Perevalov V.I.
    LED-based Fourier spectroscopy of 14N14N16O in the 9800-12000 cm-1 region
  7. Genin V.D., Yanina I.Yu., Genina E.A. , Mudrak D.A., Navolokin N.A., Bucharskaya A.B., Kistenev Yu.V., Tuchin V.V.
    The study of the optical properties of the lung tissue at the action of e-cigarette liquid
  8. Deichuli V.M., Petrova T.M., Solodov A.M., Solodov A.A., Starikov V.I.
    Broadening and shift coefficients of the H2O absorption lines induced by atmospheric air pressure
  9. Sinitsa L.N., Chesnokova T.Yu.
    Analysis of water vapor absorption lines in the modern spectroscopic databases in the 16700-17000 cm-1 region
  10. Rodimova O.B., Fazliev A.Z.
    On the physical meaning of the line contour parameters in the asymptotic line wing theory  
  11. Rodimova O.B., Fazliev A.Z.
    Description of absorption by dimers within the asymptotic line wing theory  
  12. Bucharskaya A.B., Genina E.A., Kistenev Yu.V., Tuchin V.V., Yanina I.Yu.
    Visualization of changes in lung tissue under the influence of electronic cigarette liquid using spectral OCT
