The XIV Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy

July 06-11, 2003, Krasnoyarsk-Yeniseisk-Krasnoyarsk, Russia

First Announcement

Dear colleague,

The XIV Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy will be held July 6-11 2003 onboard a ship cruising along the river Irtysh from Omsk to Tobolsk and back.



Yurii N. Ponomarev, Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk
Leonid N. Sinitsa, Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk

Scientific Committee

  1. Alain Barbe (Reims, France)
  2. Alexandr V. Burenin (Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia)
  3. Claude Camy-Peyret (Paris, France)
  4. Jean-Paul Champion (Dijon, France)
  5. Reginald Colin (Brussels, Belgium)
  6. Maria Concepcion Domingo Maroto (Madrid, Spain)
  7. Luciano Fusina (Bologna, Italy)
  8. Per Jensen (Wuppertal, Germany)
  9. Arlan W. Mantz (New London, USA)
  10. Gennadii G. Matvienko (Tomsk, Russia)
  11. Alexandr I. Nadezhdinskii (Moscow, Russia)
  12. Valery I. Perevalov (Tomsk, Russia)
  13. Agnes Perrin (Orsay, France)
  14. Evgenii A. Ryabov (Troitsk, Russia)
  15. Markus W. Sigrist (Zurich, Switzerland)
  16. Michail V. Tonkov (Peterhof, Russia)
  17. Vladimir G. Tyuterev (Reims, France)
  18. Andrei A. Vigasin (Moscow, Russia)
  19. Edmund I. Akopov (Moscow, Russia)

Scientific Program

  1. High resolution spectroscopy of molecules, including radicals, ions, and complexes;
  2. Theory of molecular system;
  3. Spectroscopy of intermolecular interactions in gases;
  4. Spectroscopic aspects of intramolecular dynamics and photodissociation;
  5. Experimental techniques for high resolution molecular spectroscopy;
  6. Analytical spectroscopy;
  7. Spectroscopic lidars.

The Symposium Schedule Will Include
  • Invited lectures;
  • Oral presentations (limited number of contributions);
  • Poster sessions.

If you plan to participate in the conference, or if you have not decided yet but would like to receive the second circular, you must preregister by using our fill-out-form (in format Word for Windows or PDF).

The Organizing Committee Address:
HighRus-2003 Scientific Sectretary
S.N. Mikhailenko,
Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS,
1, Av. Akademicheskii,
634055, Tomsk, Russia

Fax: (+7) 3822 259086