The XX Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy

July 03-07, 2023, lake Baikal, Irkutsk, Russia

Participant Organizations

Organization: V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia

List of reports:

  1. Lyulin O.M., Vasilchenko S.S., Perevalov V.I.
    The high sensitivity absorption spectroscopy of acetylene near 765 nm  
  2. Serov E.A., Makarov D.S., Vilkov I.N., Golubyatnikov G.Yu., Galanina T.A., Koshelev M.A., Balashov A.A., Simonova A.A., Tretyakov M.Yu.
    Comprehensive study of CO spectra in Ar bath in the millimeter wavelength range  
  3. Lyulin O.M., Campargue A., Jacquemart D., Vasilchenko S.S., Perevalov V.I.
    The last advances in the infrared acetylene spectroscopy  
  4. Starikova E.N., Sung K., Nikitin A.V., Rey M.
    The 13CH4 absorption spectrum at 298 K: Assignment and modeling of the lower part of the Tetradecad in the 4970–5300 cm-1 spectral range
  5. Kochanov R.V., Tajti A., Szalay P.G., Tyuterev V.G.
    Improved ozone vibrational band centers for symmetric and asymmetric isotopologues: ab initio calculations including Diagonal Born-Oppenheimer correction  
  6. Kochanov R.V.
    HAPI2: software for accessing the current version of the HITRAN database  
  7. Mikhailenko S.N., Barbe A., Babikov Yu.L., Starikova E.N., Tyuterev V.G.
    Current status of the S&MPO information system  
  8. Borkov Yu.G., Solodov A.M., Solodov A.A., Petrova T.M., Perevalov V.I.
    The first observation of the 12C16O2 absorption bands near 660 nm  
  9. Rodina A.A., Nikitin A.V., Rey M. , Manceron L., Protasevich A.E., Tyuterev V.G.
    Spectra of the formaldehyde molecule in the range of 3800-5100 cm-1
  10. Egorov O.V., Rey M., Viglaska D., Nikitin A.V.
    Ab initio rovibrational energy levels for four isotopologues of triplet (X 3B1) methylene  
  11. Egorov O.V., Kochanov R.V., Tyuterev V.G., Kokoouline V.A.
    Improved ab initio potential energy surface of the ozone molecule near the first dissociation limit including the spin-orbit coupling
  12. Egorov O.V., Rey M., Kochanov R.V., Nikitin A.V., Tyuterev V.G.
    Ab initio potential energy and dipole moment surfaces for disulfur monoxide
