4th International Conference Terahertz and Microwave Radiation: Generation, Detection and Applications

August 24-26, 2020, Tomsk, Russia

Second Announcement

The news about Tera 2020:
  1. We have oriented on on-line conferenceevent format
  2. The preliminary Conference scientific program is available (Here)
  3. The deadline for early registration is extended until June 15, 2020.It is the last change of this deadline!
  4. Due to the on-line conferenceevent format, we are reducing the conference fee (50% discount). The new conference fee values:
Participants from Russia
RegistrationType Early (before June 15, 2020) Late (after June 15, 2020)
Regular 6500Roubles 8125Roubles
Youngscientists (before 35 years) 4875Roubles 6500Roubles
StudentsandPhDstudents 3250Roubles 4875Roubles
Accompanyingpersons 3250Roubles 4875Roubles

The registration fee for reports about the results of grants of the Russian Foundation of Basic Research is discounted 10%.
Participation as a listener – 1500Roubles

Participants from abroad
RegistrationType Early (before June 15, 2020) Late (after June 15, 2020)
Regular 100 EUR 125 EUR
Youngscientists (before 35 years) 75 EUR 100 EUR
StudentsandPhDstudents 50 EUR 75 EUR
Accompanyingpersons 50 EUR 75 EUR

Participation as a listener from abroad 25 EUR

Proceedings of SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering http://spiedl.org/) with the reports presented at the TERA 2020 will be published in electronic form.
A manuscript in English corresponding to the SPIE rules (https://spie.org/x12948.xml?aspxerrorpath=/conferences-and-exhibitions/authors-and-presenters/format-your-manuscript-multimedia-files-and-references) should be submitted on the website https://spie.org/paper-submission-ter20 before August 15, 2020.
The following SPIE requirements are to be satisfied:
1. A paper should be written based on the material of a report (oral or poster) presented at the Symposium.
2. Papers with similar titles are inadmissible. They are rejected by a SPIE editor and automatically deleted from the SPIE website.
3. The manuscript should be at least 4 pages in length under complete correspondence to the SPIE rules (type size, intervals, figures, tables, figure captions, references).
4. Papers written in poor English are rejected.
5. Papers with low-quality or Russian-language figures are rejected.
6. Self-citing should not exceed 15%.
7. Papers written by students are rejected. Students can be only co-authors of papers.

All papers will be checked for the fulfillment of these requirements. Each paper is to be subjected to double review.