XII International Conference Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers - AMPL

September 13-18, 2015, Tomsk, Russia

Submitted reports

  1. Dmitry V. Beloplotov, Mikhail I. Lomaev, Victor F. Tarasenko, Dmitry A. Sorokin
    Luminescence of Atoms and Ions of Metals in a Pulse-Periodic Nanosecond Discharge
  2. N.G.Ivanov, V.E. Prokop'ev, V.F. Losev
    Generating features of N2, N2+ and Ar transitions in gases pumped by a nanosecond transverse discharge  
  3. R.R. Alieva, N.S. Kudryasheva
    Variation of spectra of Blue Fluorescent Protein by physicochemical factors 
  4. Tel’minov Е.N. , Kopylova T.N. , Nikonova E.N. , Solodova Т.A. , Tabakaev D.S.
    Solid-state dye lasers based on complex organic compounds. Problems and achievements
  5. N.G. Ivanov1, V.F. Losev, Yu.N. Pamchenko, A.G. Yastremskii
    Changing spatial and energy characteristics of conically divergent beams during their amplification in the THL-100 laser system
  6. N.S. Kudryasheva
    Bioluminescence: Mechanism of bioluminescent reactions and their analytical applications
  7. A.N. Soldatov, Yu.P. Polunin, A.S. Shumeiko, S.Yu. Mirza, A.V. Vasilieva, Ya.A. Loeva, I.K. Kostadinov,
    Ablation of bone tissue exposed to IR radiation of Sr-laser
  8. Yu. A. Poplavskii, V. E. Prokopev
  9. P.V. Vybornov, V.Ya. Erofeev
    Optoelectronic system based on uncooled metal bolometers
  10. P.A. Bokhan, P.P. Gugin, M.A. Lavrukhin, Dm.E. Zakrevsky
    Pulse form influence on the copper vapor laser efficiency and frequency-energy characteristics.  
  11. P. A. Bokhan, P. P. Gugin, M. A. Lavrukhin, Dm. E. Zakrevsky
    Using of open discharge based switchers with counter-propagating electron beams in the generators for self-terminating lasers pumping.
  12. P.A. Bokhan, P.P. Gugin, M.A. Lavrukhin, Dm.E. Zakrevsky
    Gas-discharge laser on a self-terminating thallium atom transition frequency-energy characteristics studies