S. Drofa , S. Bolshedvorskii, V. Soshenko, O. Rubinas, E. Primak, P. Vilyuzhanina, A. Smolyaninov, V. Sorokin, A. Akimov CPT resonances in ground state in nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond in transverse magnetic field
A.A. Simonova, S.S. Vasilchenko, I.V. Ptashnik CRDS measurements of the water vapor self-continuum absorption near 0.8 microns
A. A. Fedorova, I. V. Soolova Photodegradation of aqueous solutions of 4-cyanophenol under excilamps radiation
Implementation of a multifunctional diamond-based sensor portable module for temperature and photoluminescent spectrum measurement
D. Valiev, S. Stepanov, V. Paygin, E.Dvilis, O.Khasanov Sintering and characterizations of multilayered MgAl2O4/YAG, MgAl2O4/YSZ and YAG/YSZ ceramics
Vasnev N.A., Trigub M.V. Time dependence of the signal-to-ASE ratio of the active medium on copper bromide vapors
Sosnin E.A., Panarin V.А., Skakun V.S., Astaphyrova T.P., Surnina E.N., Viktorova I.A., Chudinova Yu.V. Action of UVB radiation on germination, growth and yield of economic plants
Sosnin E.A., Panarin V.А., Skakun V.S., Sorokin D.A., Pechenitsyn D.S. Irradiation module based on UVC-excilamps
E.A. Sosnin, S.M. Avdeev, D.S. Pecenitsyn About the service life of KrCl- and XeBr-excilamps in the radiation stabilization mode using optoelectronic feedback
E.V. Koryukina Regularities in the behavior of line profiles in the emission spectra of rare gases in an alternating electric field
T. Xie, Ch. Wang, J. Zhu, D. Zhao Geometric positioning model and accuracy analysis of airborne lidar based on oval scanning