E.I. Lipatov, M.A. Shulepov, V.G. Vins, A.P. Yeliseev , A.V. Samolov , A.D. Savvin Laser generation on NV-centers in diamond
Electroluminescence of NV - centers in diamond
Ts.B. Sumyanova, V.R. Prizhilevskaya, N.E. Borisova Investigation of the complex formation reaction of trivalent europium with 1,10'-phenatroline-dicarboxylic acids
Ts.B. Sumyanova, N.E. Borisova, A.V. Ivanov Dependence of the stability constant of the europium complex on the introduction of a halogen into the structure of 2,2'-bipyridinediamide
M.A. Gerasimova Time-resolved spectroscopy for studying the luminescent complex with biomacromolecule
A.V. Klimkin, G.P. Kokhanenko, T.E. Kuraeva, K.Y. Osipov, S. Zhang Calculation of the coordinates of the object of lidar sounding and its 3D cartographic display
B.P. Aduev, D.R. Nurmukhametov, V.D. Volkov, Ya.V. Kraft, Z.R. Ismagilov Ignition of coals by the second harmonic of a nanosecond pulsed neodymium laser
B.P. Aduev, Ya.V. Kraft, D.R. Nurmukhametov, N.V. Nelyubina, G. M. Belokurov, Z.R. Ismagilov Effect of pulsed laser radiation on an aluminum-water suspension in order to produce hydrogen
B.P. Aduev, Ya.V. Kraft, V.D. Volkov, N.V. Nelyubina, D.R. Nurmukhametov, Z.R. Ismagilov Pyrolysis of coals under the influence of nanosecond laser radiation
T. Shao, C. Zhang, S. Zhang, L. Dou, B. Huang Pulsed discharge sources and their plasma applications in energy conversion
J.P. Xiao, M.C. Chen, D. Dai, T. Shao, V.F. Tarasenko Mechanism of runaway electron generation in nanosecond pulsed plate-plate discharge at atmospheric-pressure air
L. Nie, X. Li, X. Lu Temporal electric field and electron density behavior of He Plasma Jet driven by long pulse width power excitation