The XV Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 18-21, 2006, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Topical programs
Section 4 "Spectroscopic aspects of intramolecular dynamics and photodissociation"
18.07.2006 15:00
Poster session.
Location: Institute of Applied Physics.
I. Klincare, J. Zaharova, M. Tamanis, R. Ferber (Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia), A.V. Stolyarov, E.A. Pazyuk, A. Zaitsevskii (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia) Radiative lifetimes of the NaCs G(3)1П state: Experiment and theory Reporter:Ilze Klincare