XХХ International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"

July 01-05, 2024, St.Petersburg, Russia

Author's Index

Author: Кусков В.В. (Институт оптики атмосферы им. В.Е.Зуева СО РАН, Томск, Россия)

List of reports:

  1. Makhmanazarov R.M., Vorobyov Yu.A. , Kuskov V.V., Banakh V.A., Gerasimova L.O., Falits A.V.
    Experimental study of random walks of vortex laser beams propagating in a turbulent atmosphere  
  2. Banakh V.A., Gerasimova L.O., Kuskov V.V., Falits A.V., Makhmanazarov R.M.
    Study of fluctuations in the intensity of vortex beams along an atmospheric path  
