XVI International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"

October 12-15, 2009, Tomsk, Russia

Participant Organizations

Organization: Department of Physical Problems at BSC SB RAS, Ulan-Ude, Russia

List of reports:

  1. Bazarov A.V., Darizhapov D.D., Kirbizhekova I.I., Sultimov B.B.
    Automated Information System of Total Ozone Territorial Distribution Monitoring
  2. I.I. Kirbizhekova, E.V. Batueva, D.D. Darizhapov, B.Ch. Dorzhiev
    Estimation of the forest biomass on radar image
  3. A.A. Ayurzhanaev, A.S. Zayakhanov, G.S. Zhamsueva, V.V. Tsydypov
    Trace gases content in the atmosphere of sharp continental and arid climatic zones
  4. V.V. Tsydypov, G.S. Zhamsueva, A.S. Zayakhanov, A.A. Ayurzhanaev
    Temporal features of surface ozone distribution in atmosphere of Ulan-Ude
  5. Tsydypov V. V., G.S. zhamsueva, A.S. Zayakhanov, A.A. Ayurzhanaev
